North Coast Hypnobirthing

Learn the techniques of relaxation, visualisation, breathing and self-hypnosis to bring your child into the world in a calm, gentle way.

In keeping with Tianda's obligations as a certified Hypnobirthing Australia Practioner, the group course comprises of four units and the descriptions below summarise each element:

Approaching Birth Without Fear
•How the uterus functions and how fear hinders and affects childbirth.
•How to create a calm, positive atmosphere to assist mother to birth more easily and safely.

Birth Techniques and Bonding With Baby
•Breathing, relaxation and visualisation techniques that you will use during pregnancy and labour.
•Bonding with your baby.

Preparing Mind & Body for an Empowered Birth
•Deepening techniques (touch, self-hypnosis, prompts).
•Preparing mind and body for healthy birthing.
•Antenatal preparation and birthing preferences.

Birth – The Process and the Power
•Releasing fears.
•When labour starts and natural measures to help with the labour as it progresses.
•Possible interventions offered.
•When the baby’s birth is imminent and positions for the birth.
•What to expect during the birth process. Birth partner’s role.
